Rabu, 12 Desember 2007

Long....long time ago

Student Life !!!!

starring a bunch of confused bunny…people…things
The semester begins!
One week later
Two weeks later
Before midterms
During midterms
After midterms
Finals are approaching…
…and you find out when they are.
7 days before the final
6 days before the final
5 days before the final
4 days before the final
3 days before the final
2 days before the final
The day before the final
The night before the final
One hour before the final
During the final
After the final
Your feelings for the teacher after the final

kya...kya.....kya ;)
mau diulang ampe kapan taun jg (aku) tetep aja bakalan kyk gini............ha ha ha (thanks bro!)
bad...bad...don't try for u'r child !!!!!
that's my study life.....what about u ?????

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