Senin, 04 Februari 2008

my OWN town

Have finish reading about dream column in WK magazine make me want follow

Hemm what dream I have?
When I was child if my parents ask me what u want to be honey? I don’t know, way? Way I must be something? Yah be hamba allah we have many responsibility, to U’r self, to U’r community, so U must be something to make it real, to help U’r live more valuable for anybody else.

I want to be everything!!!! Amiin dear, my mom say. But you dream must specific more. I want be everything to make mama and papa happy and smile always, that specific don’t u mom? Yes honey amiin my dad says. Ok, if I ask, what really U want to U’r self next? I remember that I wash get therapy for my asma. And I say……I want died young and can be in heaven. So mom and dad always happy and don’t worried about me more. I don’t remember what they response next. I just remember my dad hold me so tied.

Here I am now… relax with beautiful beach around me and so health (amiin). But I’m really still don’t have some real dream like anybody else.

This is normal?

My new hang out friend David and Nicole say……yes pal U’r normal = just be right human with big love and don’t broke your nature it’s just fine.

YUP I’m so be of the same mind with that, has been a member of TDA_joglo has helped me to get what I want……….

I want have my own community, we are live in my OWN traditional guest houses, with so many people come from many place. In that place much activity we can do, like study traditional dance of java, study make ukiran java, study more about traditional herbal of Indonesia, and much more.

In my own area, I don’t want any fossil oil transportation. It’s so beautiful place, no expensive rate, harmony with people around, we can go to plant fruit and anything. We are using bicycle around, uses andong, uses becak, or using green steam engine that use sewage, garbage, and other waste products to generate energy efficiently and cleanly. And to get energy for my area is so cheap, we use Waste to Energy (EfW) in its strictest sense refers to any waste treatment that creates energy in the form of electricity or heat from a waste source that would have been disposed of in landfill, also called energy recovery. Or I made a Wind Farm!!!!

Yes for supply electricity to many places I have a lot of wind farm. As u know a wind farm is a collection of wind turbines in the same location and used for the generation of wind power electricity. I’m rich!!!!! And nature around me so clean, healthy and I hope if I’m dead, I will in heaven. Cause Mother Nature so adore me and give me a good recommended there. Ha ha ha ha

So friend will see, can I make this come true. I really hope so.

I really don’t know the way to make it. But I believe like u are, a law of attraction be work it and u are my friend can make this plan more easily. amiin

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